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Always Free – Session Limit Increase

Over the weekend of the 5th of November, Oracle pushed an update to all “Always Free” autonomous databases (ADBs) to increase the maximum simultaneous database sessions limit from..

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APEX 22.2 - New Features Spotlight

It’s that time of year again when we find out what new features the Oracle APEX team have been working feverishly on for the last 6 months. As always, there are some that..

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Flows for APEX #JoelKallmanDay

Flows for APEX…you've heard of it before, but what exactly is it? And, beyond that, where should it be used and why? In this blog, I will establish the premise behind Flows for..

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Sending emails from an APEX application in the cloud

Configuring and sending emails from an APEX application running in the cloud involves multiple steps and can sometimes be confusing. Therefore, I decided to write this blog to..

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How to get the most out of APEX Advisor

In this blog, James Sanna advises how you can utilise APEX Advisor to its fullest potential. To find out more information, take a look at our APEX services.

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Liquibase and Flyway: Using Database versioning tools for APEX database projects.

As an APEX developer that used to be an Oracle Forms developer, my approach to releasing front-end code (APEX apps) and backend code (the plsql packages and triggers that support..

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REST Improvements for APEX since 20.1

It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog on REST features in APEX, in fact, it was way back in 2019! Since 2020 there have been five APEX releases, which collectively contain..

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Placing Components Anywhere since APEX 21.2

With the release of APEX v21.2 Oracle promised that page components can be positioned anywhere. With additional component positions across page templates, developers can enjoy..

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Smart Filters

"Smart Filters" is a region-type component added in APEX 21.2. It provides end-users with numerous filters that narrow search results at run-time.

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Enforcing the Execution Order of an Interactive Grid

Tariere Ogidi, a member of our specialist Oracle APEX services team, uses the AJAX callback function to enforce the execution order of an interactive grid, which otherwise was..

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