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Implementing CKEditor 5 in APEX 19

As is the case with web technologies, time moves on, and so does the usability, design and features of these technologies. That is no less the case with rich text editors.

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Options for hosting APEX in Oracle Cloud

An important consideration in Oracle APEX deployment is the environment that will host it. This article briefly covers the main options available in OCI which can be used to..

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A first look at the new APEX 22.1 features

APEX 22.1 has arrived! You can now access the latest pre-production version of our favourite low-code tool here. There are some great new features on offer in this release so our..

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Oracle APEX: Ideas and Feature Requests

There have been a few places for APEX aficionados to express their ideas for future development over the years but the latest Oracle APEX announcement may have passed you by…

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A closer look at GraphQL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in..

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APEX Classic Reports and Comment Template

At DSP-Explorer we carry out a range of unique tasks for our customers. The Oracle APEX low-code platform allows us to develop scalable applications modified to our customer's..

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Oracle ATP Free Tier: Machine Learning and APEX Integration

Finally, Oracle has released a supported free tier of their cloud database offering. I’ve been hoping that they would release some kind of Express Edition in the cloud for years..

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Migrate your data to a different Oracle Cloud Tenancy

If you are operating with more than one OCI tenancy, sometimes there will be situations when you need to move data from one to another - in this blog I will be showing you steps..

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How to view HubSpot engagement information in an APEX application

This is a relatively short blog to remind everyone how easy it is to configure and utilise RESTful web services provided by other (SaaS) systems. They allow you to get the data..

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