Colin Archer

Colin is a Senior Development Consultant at DSP-Explorer with 20 years’ experience of analysis, design, and development of bespoke Oracle applications for a wide variety of business functions. Building on his previous experience of Forms and PL/SQL he is now focusing on developing high quality fit for purpose solutions using APEX.


Latest Posts

Creating & Consuming Web Services in APEX

Last December at Tech 18 and then again at this year’s UKOUG Midlands Tech Event, I gave a presentation (including live demos) on how to create and consume Web Services in APEX.

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What is the Oracle Forms Standalone Launcher?

Find out how we can help you migrate your Oracle Forms applications to Oracle APEX with our award winning application development and consultancy services. I recently attended the..

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Making an APEX Wizard Clickable

Find out how we can help you build solutions using Oracle APEX with our award winning application development and consultancy services . Recently I was at the Tech 18 conference..

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Adding an Auto Save Feature to an APEX Page

Recently I was tasked with adding an auto save feature to an APEX page for a questionnaire style application I was developing for a customer.

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New REST features of 18.1 (Early Adopter 2)

I recently published a set of blogs on the subject of ORDS, Outh2 and Web Services in APEX 5.1. In part three (available here) I detailed how to use a REST Service as the source..

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ORDS, OAuth2 & Web Services in APEX – Part 3

Calling Web Services from APEX The following blog will show you how to call GET method Web Service from an APEX 5.1 application and extract the response data. It will also show..

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ORDS, OAuth2 & Web Services in APEX – Part 2

In my previous blog, I took you through how to create RESTful Web Services with ORDS and how to test them with a REST client. This blog will build on those Web Services (Fig.1)..

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ORDS,OAuth2 & Web Services in APEX – Part 1

I recently gave a presentation on how to get started with Web Services at the UKOUG APEX SIG in London. The first half covered how to create Web Services with ORDS, how to protect..

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Customising chart colours in APEX 5.1

Find out how we can help you build solutions using Oracle APEX with our award-winning application development and consultancy services. One of the new features of APEX 5.1 is the..

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Generating JSON in APEX 5.0

In a previous blog I outlined how with APEX 5.0 you can now use the APEX_JSON package to parse JSON responses in your APEX application. For this blog I will show you how easy it..

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