In my spare time I like to play around with creating video games in technologies other than Oracle (!). I recently created a game for an online community that I participate in and..
Find out how we can help you build solutions using Oracle APEX with our award winning application development and consultancy services. Recently I was at the Tech 18 conference in..
I’ve written a number of blogs lately; however the one I am quite fond of is the one I did on Client Side Validations back in 2017. I look favourably back on this because it..
For my Tech18 presentation ‘The Numerous options for APEX 18.1 Interactive Grid Validation” I needed to prepare a deck of slides and a demo APEX application in which I can quickly..
One of the great features of APEX is the possibility to import JavaScript plugins and css libraries into the application, just by referencing an external link or uploading a .js..
I’ve blogged quite a bit on the Interactive Grid and the vast array of features; some features are technically available for use in your applications however they are not..
You’ve been using the Splitter plugin for maybe years without realising it. No? Well if you’ve used APEX Page Designer on version APEX 5 and above you’ll notice the page is split..
APEX 18.1 page designer now includes a new “Advanced” setting called Anchor in the Link Builder Modal.
As part of my presentation I gave at a couple of OUG events (see here for the blog post and video) one of things I discussed is how APEX has built in many things that can help..
One of my main gripes about the Interactive Grid is that it performing cross row validations is quite a painful process. By this I mean, the user can modify various records and..