DSP Blog: machine learning


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Oracle Global Leaders Summit 2024 – An Overview of New and Upcoming Developments to Autonomous Database

Last month, I attended the Oracle Global Leaders event in Tirana, Albania. Amongst all the excellent presentations, Çetin Özbütün’s talk on Autonomous Database really piqued my..

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What are the key Cloud technology trends going to be in 2024?

You don't need a crystal ball to know that the Cloud computing landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging all the time. As we enter 2024, here are..

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How Oracle and Red Bull developed an Interactive F1 Racetrack

It’s race week and the start of the 2023 F1 season! In this blog, we will explore how current driver and constructor champions, Oracle Red Bull Racing, developed an interactive..

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Artificial Intelligence just got even more wow!

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the ability of a machine or computer program to mimic human cognition, including learning and problem-solving. This technology has come a..

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Unsupervised Machine Learning on Player Attributes from International Teams Participating in FIFA World Cup 2022

Every time there is a major sporting tournament, DSP-Explorer likes to have a bit of fun and see if we can use our machine learning skills to predict the eventual outcome. For the..

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Top 10 sessions to attend at Oracle CloudWorld 2022

Oracle CloudWorld 2022 in Las Vegas is quickly approaching. It is expected to attract more than 40,000 Oracle users, bringing together business leaders, IT experts, and Oracle..

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AI Makes Big Prediction for 2021 EUROs

Who does AI predict will win the EUROs? Can I use AI to make money on bets? Why is it so difficult to make accurate predictions in Football? These are some of the key questions..

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Machine Learning for Everyday Use or 'Don't do new - do better'

I talk to lots of business leaders about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and what their plans are for the future. The overriding perception is that AI & ML..

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