DSP Blog: Licensing


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VMware licensing shake-up and why Oracle Cloud is worth considering

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and certainly, the acquisition of VMware by Broadcom has caused some market turbulence. VMware users are now experiencing changes in..

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Is an Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (ULA) the right choice for my organisation?

In the world of enterprise software, Oracle is a dominant player with its wide range of technology solutions, products, and service offerings. Oracle licensing and selecting the..

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The Power of Software Asset Management (SAM)

In the fast-paced digital landscape of today, managing software assets has become a paramount concern for organisations seeking to maintain a competitive edge while optimising..

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5 Ways a Migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure can solve your Oracle licensing headaches

Oracle licensing is a complex subject, as anyone who has a large Oracle estate will attest to. Staying on top of the various rules and policies is a full-time job itself. Ensuring..

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Oracle Java SE licensing pricing update – how does this affect your business?

Oracle has recently announced a significant change to their licensing policies for Oracle Java SE deployments. This change could make your Oracle Java SE license exposure..

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Oracle Licensing - NUP or CPU

When it comes to licensing your Oracle database environment, there are two different metrics that you can choose from, NUP or CPU. The metric that you use to license your..

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Microsoft Changes Terms for Public Cloud Licensing

Microsoft are changing their license terms - but what does that mean for you?

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Oracle Licensing

What immediately springs to mind when the subject turns to Oracle Licensing? Do you feel a sense of pride in knowing your license assets inside out, or is it a touchy subject that..

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