Eye on OCI: OCI

Generative AI Professional Certification: A Lexicon

Generative AI Professional Certification: A Lexicon

I’ve been studying for the new Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Generative AI Professional Certification, and I’ve found it to be one of the most interesting certifications I’ve..

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Five common myths about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): debunked!

Five common myths about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI): debunked!

First of all, some context: According to Ofcom, Amazon and Microsoft together make up 70 – 80% of the UK Cloud computing market share. In any market, a lack of competition is a..

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PostgreSQL announcement

Oracle announces OCI Database with PostgreSQL

With a strong following in the open source community, it's no surprise that Oracle is keen to support PostgreSQL, but what does this mean for the wider relational database market?..

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Larry Ellison's OCW2023 Keynote - from an APEX Point of View

Larry Ellison's OCW2023 Keynote - from an APEX Point of View

DSP's Head of Development Services Simon Greenwood provides his thoughts on Larry Ellison’s Oracle CloudWorld 2023 Keynote, from an APEX perspective…

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Oracle Database @Azure: what does it mean for you?

Oracle Database @Azure: what does it mean for you?

Oracle and Microsoft have announced a further extension to their interoperability relationship: Oracle Database @Azure. This means that customers can now have direct access to..

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Oracle announces EU Sovereign Cloud to address data security concerns

Oracle announces EU Sovereign Cloud to address data security concerns

Oracle has taken a major step towards meeting commitments made last year to address the data privacy and sovereignty concerns of customers, by announcing the launch of Sovereign..

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DSP: Oracle CloudWorld: Modernising Enterprise Applications on OCI

I had the privilege to present at Oracle CloudWorld 2023 on the topic of Modernising Enterprise Applications in OCI. For those who couldn’t attend, I thought I would share some of..

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Billing Report

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Billing Report

Every successful person knows that time is a precious commodity that once lost, cannot be recovered. Bearing this in mind, our biggest motivation for developing the OCI Billing..

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OCI Network Components Overview

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Network Components Overview

The aim of this blog is to introduce you to the key virtual networking components within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). We will explore the main resources within a Virtual..

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Oracle Cloud Acronyms Explained

Oracle Cloud Acronyms Explained

If you are new to Oracle Cloud or Oracle in general you may look at the number of acronyms and become very quickly overwhelmed, I certainly wouldn’t blame you. With all the..

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