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The Cost of Non-Compliance: Why You Need to Understand Your Oracle Licenses

Written by James Peck | 16-Aug-2024 16:48:00

In this blog, we will delve into the world of Oracle licensing to help you navigate the intricacies and avoid costly pitfalls.

Navigating the Intricacy of Oracle Licensing

Oracle licensing can be a complex and confusing topic -  with various licensing models, metrics, and terms. Therefore, it's important to understand these complexities to ensure license compliance and avoid unnecessary costs. Navigating through this requires a deep understanding of Oracle's licensing policies and agreements, as well as the ability to interpret and apply them correctly.

One common challenge in navigating Oracle licensing is understanding the different license types and metrics that exist and their usage rights. Oracle offers a range of license metrics, including Named User Plus (NUP) licenses, processor-based licenses (CPU), and various options when deploying in a public cloud infrastructure, for example, Bring Your Own Licence (BYOL). Each license type and metric has specific rules and limitations, and it's crucial to understand these and apply them to how you have Oracle deployed in your organisation. For example, are the applications that you use Oracle Database as the back-end, publicly facing or internal only? Can you quantify the number of users and how many servers, CPUs and cores are in the servers you have Oracle deployed on? All these can impact the licences you require to be compliant and, ultimately, the cost! You need to accurately determine the appropriate license type for your organisation's usage to avoid compliance issues. Staying proactive when it comes to understanding the policies and relating them to how you use Oracle in your business is key to ensuring compliance.

Furthermore, Oracle's licensing policies and agreements can seem extensive and may have changed over time from when you made your original license purchase. They often contain intricate legal terms and conditions that can have a significant impact on your license entitlements and costs. You must ensure you maintain a record of the licence agreements associated with the Oracle licence purchases you have made. We regularly see customers having made a significant investment in Oracle license and support but have no record of the licensed agreements associated with the purchase - and ultimately having no record of the terms and conditions of usage, which form the legal basis of your rights to use Oracle's intellectual property. Furthermore, it's not just critical to maintain a record of your agreements, but to understand the content and the specific usage rights and restrictions in these agreements.


Common Pitfalls and Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to Oracle licensing, there are several common pitfalls and mistakes that organisations should be aware of to avoid costly consequences. By understanding these pitfalls and taking proactive measures, organisations can ensure compliance and minimise the risk of non-compliance.

1. Licence Shortfalls -  Organisations often fail to accurately assess their license needs, leading to insufficient licenses,  potential non-compliance and expensive licence and support bills. It's crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of your Oracle usage and compare it against your license grant, using a detailed understanding of the relevant licence policies in order to accurately determine the required license quantities required to be compliant.

2. Understand the nuances of Oracle licencing, around key areas such as virtualisation, disaster recovery, and public cloud deployments, amongst others. Oracle have very specific licensing policies, and ensuring you understand these and how they relate to your environment is key. 

3. Ongoing License Asset Management - Another common mistake is failing to track and manage license usage effectively. Without proper license management processes in place, organisations may inadvertently exceed their license limits, resulting in non-compliance. Implementing robust license management tools and processes can help organisations track and manage license usage effectively. Similarly, ensuring you don't overspend on licenses and expensive annual support bills means you are not overpaying for licenses you don't need currently or possibly any time in the future.

 4. License allowance - As mentioned earlier in this article, organisations sometimes mistakenly assume they are entitled to unlimited usage rights under certain license agreements or support contracts. However, it's important to carefully review the terms and conditions of these agreements to ensure that you are complying with the usage restrictions and limitations. Failing to comply with these restrictions can lead to costly audits and penalties. Ensuring to keep up-to-date records of your license agreements, and that they are reviewed regularly against your actual usage will help avoid such a situation.

4. Stakeholders - Ensure all stakeholders involved in the purchase and management of the systems understand the implications of their actions. For example, ensuring the purchasing and legal teams who may sign off orders and license agreements are aware of how the terms align with their business usage. The technical staff who may download and install software, change infrastructure that may impact license exposure and have day-to-day database management privileges need to understand any commercial and licencing implications of their actions. 


Hidden Costs of Unmanaged Oracle Licenses

Unmanaged Oracle licenses can result in significant hidden costs for organisations that may only become apparent when you are asked to enter a formal audit with Oracle. Without proper license management and compliance, businesses may face unexpected expenses and legal issues. It's important to understand the hidden costs associated with unmanaged Oracle licenses to avoid financial and operational risks.

One hidden cost is the risk of non-compliance penalties and audits. If your organisation is found to be non-compliant with Oracle's licensing policies following a formal audit, you may be subject to hefty penalties such as backdated support, removal of any agreed commercial discount levels, etc. These penalties can be substantial and can have a significant impact on your organisation's finances, particularly these days when budgets are often tight.

Additionally, unmanaged licenses can result in inefficient software usage and unnecessary expenses. Without proper license tracking and management, organisations may end up purchasing more licenses than needed or using them ineffectively. This can lead to wasted resources and increased costs.

Time is also a hidden cost that is not easily measured but can have a big impact. An audit is time-consuming across the business and may involve many stakeholders being involved. By being proactive with your Oracle license asset management, should you find yourself in an audit situation, you will have all the relevant information and understanding in place already. This will avoid time-consuming reactive action, which in turn avoids taking staff away from other critical business functions or from innovating to drive your business forward.


Taking Control: Strategies for Oracle License Compliance

To ensure Oracle license compliance, organisations need to take control of their licensing processes and implement effective strategies. By following these strategies, organisations can minimise risks, avoid non-compliance penalties, and optimise their license usage.

First and foremost, it's essential to conduct a thorough assessment of your software usage and accurately determine your license requirements. By understanding your usage patterns and licensing needs, you can ensure that you have the right licenses in place and avoid under or over-licensing. Regularly monitoring and reviewing your license usage is also crucial for maintaining compliance. By continuously monitoring your license usage, you can identify any potential compliance issues or discrepancies and take proactive measures to address them. Conducting periodic license audits can further help organisations identify and rectify any non-compliance issues.

Implementing robust license management tools and processes is another critical strategy for Oracle license compliance. These tools can help organisations track and manage license usage, automate license calculations, and generate reports for audits and compliance reviews. By having a centralised license management system, organisations can ensure accurate license tracking and minimise the risk of non-compliance.

Furthermore, staying informed about Oracle's licensing policies, updates, and changes is essential for license compliance. Oracle regularly updates its licensing policies and terms, and it's crucial to stay up-to-date with these changes to ensure compliance. Subscribing to Oracle's newsletters, attending webinars, and engaging with Oracle's licensing experts can help organisations stay informed and compliant.

 Another important step is to review and understand Oracle's licensing policies and agreements. These policies and agreements often contain complex terms and conditions that can impact your license entitlements and compliance. It's crucial to review these documents carefully and seek legal advice if needed to ensure that you are complying with all the relevant terms and conditions.

In addition, organisations should establish internal policies and procedures for Oracle license compliance. By defining clear guidelines and responsibilities for license management, organisations can ensure that all stakeholders are aware of their roles and responsibilities in maintaining compliance. Regular training and awareness programs can further enhance compliance across the business.

Lastly, organisations should consider engaging with an independent Oracle licensing expert and seeking professional advice. Oracle licensing experts can provide valuable guidance and support in navigating the complexities of Oracle licensing and ensuring compliance. They can help organisations understand their licensing requirements, optimise license usage, and address compliance issues.


Ensuring Compliance and Avoiding Legal Issues

In summary, ensuring compliance with Oracle's licensing policies involves accurate license tracking and reporting, reviewing licensing policies and agreements, establishing internal policies and procedures, and seeking professional advice. By following these steps, organisations can avoid legal issues, maintain compliance, and foster a positive relationship with Oracle.

Contact us today, and one of our Oracle Licensing experts will contact you shortly.

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