DSP Blog

dsp’s Database Managed Service versus Yosemite Sam

Written by Jon Cowling | 11-Feb-2016 15:03:27

DSP’s Database Managed Service versus Yosemite Sam

I know it’s been bugging you – that age old question: what can DSP do that Yosemite Sam can’t do?

Always here to help, we did a simple comparison chart on the differences between our DBA Managed Service and Yosemite Sam:


Features  DSP Yosemite Sam 
 Responsiveness 15 minute response for PI incidents Sam often gave Bugs Bunny time to foil his intentions by telling them “varmint, Now say your Prayers!”
 Seamless Integration Knowledge Transfer and Shadowing process to ensure smooth transition to service Sam’s lack of attention to detail and foresight often leaves him at a loss.Whilst he rarely falls for the same trick twice, he fails to plan out his strategy and project effectively.
 Proactive Support 70% of tickets are proactively logged Reacts by angrily firing pistols in the air
Service Management ITIL principles followed and all work documented for tickets worked on Demonstrates violent and aggressive attitudes to management.
Good Communication Honest open communication and transparent pricing structure Sam relies on noise, volume and an abrupt manner to any circumstance