PL/PDF – PDF Images

Rodrigo Mesquita Oct 24, 2019 10:52:08 AM

Continuing the blog series about PL/PDF, this blog is all about adding images to a PDF report. In this first step, we are going to create a page cover and add this image.

Oracle PDF Images

The image used on this report is stored in a blob table column. I recommend this for better performance..

To print an image in a PDF we can use the following procedure


    p_x =>  --X of top-left corner

    p_y =>  --Y of top-left corner

    p_w =>  -- Image Width,

    p_h =>  -- Image Height,

    p_name => -- Image description

    p_data => -- image blob files,

    p_props => -- image properties


p_x and p_y

If we just want to print an image in the PDF, we can just set the coordinates x and y to define where to place the image in this PDF as an offset from the top-left corner . In this example, we are using the image to cover the full background, that means both x and y position is 0.

p_w and p_h

This is used to define the image size. To stretch the image to cover the whole page background we can set those parameters based on the page size (plpdf_util.crFormat( p_w => , p_h => );) or use a procedure to get the page height(plpdf.getPageHeight) and width (plpdf.getPageWidth).


The end user will not see the Image description (p_name). This is an internal information for the PDF.


This is the image blob file.


This is a PL/PDF parameter to add some runtime settings. We can talk about that in a future blog.

Lets try!


  lb_image            BLOB;

  lv_description      pdf_report_images.image_description%type;

  l_pdf_file          BLOB;

  l_PDF_format        plpdf_type.t_pageformat;


/* set pdf format*/

l_PDF_format := plpdf_util.crFormat( p_w => 595, p_h => 842); -- A4 SIZE


plpdf.NewPage( );

    select blob_image,image_description
      into lb_image,lv_description
      from pdf_report_images
     where description = 'BACKGROUND';

/*Print the image*/


    p_x => 0, --X of top-left corner

    p_y => 0, --Y of top-left corner

    p_w => plpdf.getPageWidth,

    p_h => plpdf.getPageHeight,

    p_name => lv_description,

    p_data => lb_image,

    p_props => null


plpdf.SendDoc( p_blob => l_pdf_file);



The result is the pdf below

Adobe Acrobar Reader DC

We can add more elements to the page, however the order in which these elements are included will reflect on how they show in the PDF, If we want, an image to be in the background then the image procedure needs to execute first.

The next step is to add a title to the page cover. First, we need to specify the font settings

plpdf.SetPrintFont(p_family => -- font family name(Arial, Helvetica, etc)*

                   p_style =>  -- font style (null: Regular B: Bold I: Italic U: Underline The styles may be combined (i.e. BI will be Bold and Italic)

                   p_size =>   -- Font Size);

*PL/PDF comes with build in fonts,

  • Times-Roman” (Bold, Italic, BoldItalic)
  • “Helvetica” (Bold, Oblique, BoldOblique)
  • “Courier” (Bold, Oblique, BoldOblique)
  • “Symbol” and “ZapfDingbats”.

However is possible to add more fonts (for more details on this, please see here ->

plpdf.PrintoutText(p_x => --X of top-left corner

                   p_y => --Y of top-left corner

                   p_txt => -- text to print


By Default, the colour text will be black, to change the text colour, we can use the nonstrokingcolor procedure to change set the RGB colour code. More info here ->

plpdf.nonstrokingcolor(p_r => Red code

                       p_g => Green Code

                       p_b => Blue Code


Let’s add that to our pdf and another image


  lb_image            BLOB;

  lv_description      pdf_report_images.image_description%type;

  l_pdf_file          BLOB;

  l_PDF_format        plpdf_type.t_pageformat;

  lv_report_title     VARCHAR2(1000);


/* set pdf format*/

l_PDF_format := plpdf_util.crFormat( p_w => 595.276, p_h => 841.89);


plpdf.NewPage( );

lv_report_title := 'My PLPDF Report';

    select blob_image,image_description

      into lb_image,lv_description

      from pdf_report_images

     where description = 'BACKGROUND';

/*Print the background image*/


    p_x => 0, --X of top-left corner

    p_y => 0, --Y of top-left corner

    p_w => plpdf.getPageWidth,

    p_h => plpdf.getPageHeight,

    p_name => lv_description,

    p_data => lb_image,

    p_props => null


   /*print the title*/

   /* Font color */

   plpdf.nonstrokingcolor(p_r => 255,p_g => 255,p_b => 255); 

   /* Font Settings */

   plpdf.SetPrintFont(p_family => 'Helvetica',p_style => 'B',p_size => 20); 

   /* title Text (used some maths to centre the text) */

   plpdf.PrintoutText(p_x => (plpdf.getPageWidth/2)-(length(lv_report_title)*2),

                      p_y => plpdf.getPageHeight/2,

                      p_txt => lv_report_title); 

    select blob_image,image_description

      into lb_image,lv_description

      from pdf_report_images

     where description = 'LOGO';

/*Print the second image*/


    p_x => 50, --X of top-left corner

    p_y => 250, --Y of top-left corner

    p_w => 120.96,

    p_h => 41.04,

    p_name => lv_description,

    p_data => lb_image,

    p_props => null


plpdf.SendDoc( p_blob => l_pdf_file);



The result is the pdf below

PLPDF Report

If we want to add more pages to the PDF we just need the (plpdf.NewPage( );)


  lb_image            blob;

  lv_description      pdf_report_images.image_description%type;

  l_pdf_file          BLOB;

  l_PDF_format        plpdf_type.t_pageformat;

  lv_report_title     VARCHAR2(1000);


/* set pdf format*/

l_PDF_format := plpdf_util.crFormat( p_w => 595.276, p_h => 841.89);


plpdf.NewPage( );

lv_report_title := 'My PLPDF Report';

    select blob_image,image_description

      into lb_image,lv_description

      from pdf_report_images

     where description = 'BACKGROUND';

/*Print the image*/


    p_x => 0, --X of top-left corner

    p_y => 0, --Y of top-left corner

    p_w => plpdf.getPageWidth,

    p_h => plpdf.getPageHeight,

    p_name => lv_description,

    p_data => lb_image,

    p_props => null


   /*print the title*/

   /* Font color */

   plpdf.nonstrokingcolor(p_r => 255,p_g => 255,p_b => 255); 

   /* Font Settings */

   plpdf.SetPrintFont(p_family => 'Helvetica',p_style => 'B',p_size => 20); 

   /* title Text (used some math to centre the text) */

   plpdf.PrintoutText(p_x => (plpdf.getPageWidth/2)-(length(lv_report_title)*2),

                      p_y => plpdf.getPageHeight/2,

                      p_txt => lv_report_title); 

    select blob_image,image_description

      into lb_image,lv_description

      from pdf_report_images

     where description = 'LOGO';

/*Print the image*/


    p_x => 50, --X of top-left corner

    p_y => 250, --Y of top-left corner

    p_w => 120.96,

    p_h => 41.04,

    p_name => lv_description,

    p_data => lb_image,

    p_props => null


/* start of the second page */

plpdf.NewPage( );

   /* Font color */

   plpdf.nonstrokingcolor(p_r => 17,p_g => 18,p_b => 18); 

   /* Font Settings */

   plpdf.SetPrintFont(p_family => 'Helvetica',p_style => 'B',p_size => 20); 

   /* title Text (used some math to centre the text) */

   plpdf.PrintoutText(p_x => (plpdf.getPageWidth/2)-(length(lv_report_title)*2),

                      p_y => plpdf.getPageHeight/2,

                      p_txt => 'Second page'); 

/* end of the second page */

plpdf.SendDoc( p_blob => l_pdf_file);



The result is the pdf below

PLPDF Report (1)



Author: Rodrigo Mesquita 

Job Title: Oracle APEX Development Consultant

Bio: Rodrigo is an Oracle ACE and APEX Developer Expert certified by Oracle and is an experienced software engineer with emphasis in analysis, design and development of bespoke Oracle applications utilising development tools such as PL/SQL, APEX and Forms for a variety of international businesses. Rodrigo speaks regularly at Oracle community events and enjoys creating APEX plugins and writing blogs.