Better Together: Oracle Database Compression for Oracle Database Partitioning

Hamid Ansari Jan 6, 2020 4:14:08 PM

The best compression for OLTP workloads and Data Warehousing

Oracle compression at the table level, now called Advanced Row Compression, was first introduced in Oracle Database 11g. This powerful feature maintains compression at both the insert and update operations. Its internal mechanism minimises the overhead of write operations on compressed data making it suitable for both Data Warehouse (DW) and Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) type environments.

Oracle’s unique algorithm

Oracle Advanced Compression uses a unique algorithm designed for both OLTP and DW applications. This process works on the block level by identifying duplicate data values using short references in an internal structure called a symbol table stored in the actual block itself. Compressed data is self-contained within the data block as the metadata used to translate compressed data into its original state is stored in the block header. This allows for a significant performance improvement by avoiding additional I/O when accessing compressed data. The diagram below shows an example of an uncompressed and compressed block.

Oracles Unique Algorithm

In the above diagram, the data has been taken out of the block and put in a special area at the top of the block called a symbol table. The data in the column is assigned a symbol that takes the place of the actual data value. As symbols are smaller than the data values, the record sizes are much smaller than the original data. The more repeating data the row has, the more compact the symbol table and subsequently the block.

It is very important to note that the compression takes place as a triggering event and not when the row is inserted or updated. Therefore, there are no performance hits during normal DML operation. Oracle Advanced Compression can be applied to a complete table and all its partitions. You may have a single table or individual partitions that make up that target table. It is then possible to compress all or some of the partitions.

Advanced compression with partitioned tables

The following example discusses a practical example of a single large table with 106 million records that is first partitioned and then compressed using Oracle Advance Compression. Following the recommendations made by Oracle SQL Access Advisor, the table was partitioned using the range partition method on the column ORDER_DATE. The table resides in a tablespace containing a single data file.

SQL> desc order_history
 Name                                                                      Null?    Type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -----------
 ORDER_ID                                                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(20)
 COMPANY_NAME                                                                       VARCHAR2(20)
 COMPANY_ID                                                                         VARCHAR2(25)
 EMAIL                                                                              VARCHAR2(25)
 PHONE_NUMBER                                                                       VARCHAR2(20)
 ORDER_DATE                                                                         DATE
 ITEM_ID                                                                            VARCHAR2(10)
 VALUE                                                                              NUMBER(20,2)
 PART_NAME                                                                          vbarchar2(25)

Oracles advanced compression with partitioned tables

After the table was partitioned, the structure was changed as follows;

Oracles advanced compression with partitioned tables (1)

The partitions were created based on the recommendation from the SQL Access Advisor. However, the partitions listed below are not compressed. The records were moved from the single large table to the newly partitioned table that was date ranged on all 12 months of the year 2019.

Select  p.partition_name, 
  round(sum(p.num_rows / p.blocks),0) rows_per_block,
  sum(p.num_rows) num_rows, 
  sum(p.blocks) blocks, 
  round(sum(s.bytes) /(1024*1024)) MB
from 	dba_tab_partitions p, 
  dba_segments s
where	p.table_name = 'ORDER_HISTORY' and
  p.partition_name = s.partition_name and
  p.table_name = s.segment_name
  group by p.partition_name, p.tablespace_name, p.compression, p.compress_for
  order by 1;
---------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
P10_2019   USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    8028250     109037        856
P11_2019   USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    7761989     104957        824
P12_2019   USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        71   14586861     204116       1600
P1_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        72   12984477     179564       1408
P2_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        73    8033724     110057        864
P3_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    8027748     109037        856
P4_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    7764396     104957        824
P5_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    8033735     109037        856
P6_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    7761381     104957        824
P7_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    7759863     104957        824
P8_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    8027636     109037        856
P9_2019    USER_TBS1  DISABLED                        74    7760389     104957        824

All the above partitions can all be compressed in one attempt or individually based on certain criteria such as a date value. The partition sizes can be seen above before the compression. We can compress the individual partitions online without any interruptions to the normal DML operations on this or other partitions. This can be a very CPU & I/O intensive operation. The typical command used can be one of the followings;

Alter table XXXXXXXXXX row store compress advanced;
Online Redefinition (dbms_redefinition);
Alter table XXXXXXXXXX move partition YYYY row store compress advanced;
Alter table XXXXXXXXXX move partition YYYY online row store compress advanced;

Each of the above options has certain characteristics. However, the last option allows full read / write DML activity on the partition during the process and keeps all the indexes valid after the move operation is completed. These operations can be very CPU and I/O intensive depending on the size of the partition and the CPU utilisation on the server. It is best to carry out these activities at weekends or evenings in quite business periods. You may also work on one particular partition at a time.

Suitability of Data

The ratio of compression and disk storage saved very much depends on the cardinality of the data itself. The package DBMS_COMPRESSION advisor is used to estimate potential storage saving before implementing this functionality. After compressing all the partitions, we can see the results below. In this example an average ratio of 20% storage was gained after compression due to the cardinality of data. In other cases, you could see ratios of up to 90% storage gain.

Select  p.partition_name,  
  round(sum(p.num_rows / p.blocks),0) rows_per_block,
  sum(p.num_rows) num_rows, 
  sum(p.blocks) blocks, 
  round(sum(s.bytes) /(1024*1024)) MB
from 	dba_tab_partitions p, 
  dba_segments s
where	p.table_name = 'ORDER_HISTORY' and
  p.partition_name = s.partition_name and
  p.table_name = s.segment_name
  group by p.partition_name, p.tablespace_name, p.compression, p.compress_for
  order by 1;

---------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
P10_2019   USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    8028250      93572        736
P11_2019   USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    7761989      90440        712
P12_2019   USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               87   14586861     168544       1317
P1_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               87   12984477     148496       1160
P2_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               87    8033724      92152        720
P3_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    8027748      93600        731
P4_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    7764396      90468        712
P5_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    8033735      93648        732
P6_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    7761381      90432        707
P7_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    7759863      90398        712
P8_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    8027636      93572        736
P9_2019    USER_TBS2  ENABLED  ADVANCED               86    7760389      90396        712

It should also be noted that SQL read operations against the table partitions results in 50% less consistent gets when executed against a compressed partition compared to the same uncompressed partition.

Advanced compression for backups & standby

Oracle Advanced Compression can also be utilised with Oracle Data Pump and Oracle RMAN utilities, using the Basic, Low, Medium and High levels of compression levels. This allows for the final output to be compressed based on the options specified. Oracle Data Guard can also utilise Oracle Advanced Compression to compress the redo data before being sent to the standby database.

View what compression ratio you can achieve

The Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Compression Summary screen below also provides a detailed breakdown of the database segments, the compression savings and the type of compression being used. Here we can see the compression in use by the target table.

Oracles view what compression ratio you can achieve

The importance of partition design

It is important to understand the logical and physical design of the partitions and the underlying file systems. The typical logical and physical of Oracle environments are shown below;

Importance of partition design

In this example, the table ORDER_HISTORY is divided into separate partitions covering different months of a year. New partitions are added for each new month. The logical partitions are still held within the single physical data file as shown below.

Importance of partition design (1)

The above configuration can now be improved further by mapping each partition to a separate physical file, each on a separate file system, as shown below.

Importance of partition design (2)

Save on storage costs

It is now possible to move individual data files that represent old and less frequently accessed partitions to a separate slower less expensive storage device (i.e. /u09/….). The more recent and frequently accessed partitions will remain on the existing fast and more expensive storage devices (i.e. /u03/…). The individual partitions can also be compressed with a different option while still providing full DML access without any interruption or I/O latency to the frontend applications. The older partitions can also be removed without any adverse effect on the rest of the table.

The above concept is a simple representation of a manual partitioning, compression and storage realignment. Oracle Automatic Data Optimization (ADO) functionality allows an automatic and intelligent approach to administering and maintaining compression and storage tiering. ADO uses a heat map to assess the space usage at the block and segment levels. It then uses this information to define the correct compression and storage polices.


The combination of Oracle Partitioning and Oracle Advanced Compression options makes for powerful database solutions when maintaining and optimising large volumes of data. As with any significant changes to a databases structure, it is imperative that this functionality is fully investigated and tested before being deployed in a production database environment.

DSP specialise in the management and optimisation of Oracle Database workloads, so if this is a focus that you would like to investigate further, please don’t hesitate to contact us, to explore this fully and perhaps discuss setting up a proof-of-concept for Oracle Advanced Compression with Partitioning.



Author: Hamid Ansari

Job Title: Technical Consultant

Bio: Hamid is a Technical consultant at DSP, he has a BA(Hons) in Data Processing / Business computing from the University of Sunderland and is a specialist in Oracle Database and associated technologies. He has over 25 years of working with Oracle RDMS starting with version 5.1. His main focus areas are Oracle GoldenGate, RAC, DataGuard, Engineered Systems and Oracle Cloud. He has worked across various companies in the Middle East, Europe, UK and US.