DSP Blog

Whats Our Oracle Database Support About?

Written by Jon Cowling | 25-Aug-2016 15:31:44

Whats Our Oracle Database Support About?

It’s difficult to find something DSP doesn’t know about Oracle database, the countless awards we’ve won over the years is evident to that. Using our experienced DBAs and Oracle Solution Architect expertise, we can optimise the Oracle platform to perfectly fit the necessity of our customers’ businesses. Unlike other companies, that offer support to their clients in a way that we call the hard way, DSP proposes a completely new and enhanced method that we call the DSP way.

Here at DSP, when something goes wrong, we are immediately alerted and we monitor the fault proactively. In contrast to the hard way, whereby support requests arrive on a post-it note or whatever’s quickest, at DSP tickets are raised automatically with the support of web, email, phone etc. The route of the tickets is automated thanks to our seamless helpdesk. Furthermore, we set up the different requests according to their business impact since they don’t all have the same priority.

The hard way assigns tasks through obsolete facilities such as post-it notes, text messages, emails and so on, whereas we have a sophisticated method to assign tickets which provides transparency and accountability. Thanks to this comprehensive ticket structure, we don’t need to track down who has written every single message but we can provide a response with an appropriate and immediate mechanism.  With our embedded automation tools Ansible and Puppet, complex tasks are simplified and repeatable, whilst holiday or sickness will not reduce instance reaction times.

As a results of our proactive support internal SLA’s are met,  our DBA team is fulfilled and fully utilised, business agility is increased and of course our end users are extremely happy. The DSP way also bears benefits in terms of efficiency: dsp’s Oracle Support helps to save costs and to enhance agility, innovation and revenue streams for our clients.

Dsp does it better…Get in contact with our account management team and let them show you how our Oracle Managed Services can change our database environment.