
Why is it important to migrate from
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic
to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure?
Wednesday 26th June - 10:30am
If you were an early adopter of Oracle Cloud between 2014 and 2016, 
then you should consider migrating to the next generation Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Learn the steps involved in migrating to the new Oracle Public Cloud platform with ease.

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic
has been replaced by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle’s first generation Public Cloud offering was built on Nimbula, providing a range of PaaS and IaaS services. Oracle vision was to deliver a best in class Enterprise Public Cloud platform; so they created Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic has been replaced by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, which provides Enterprise-Ready Cloud services with huge new capabilities and simplified consumption models.


So, why move from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic
to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure?





 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is the only Cloud platform with a performance SLA. 

Storage throughput is guaranteed and has been independently verified. See for yourself...




Oracle’s Universal Cloud Credit provides a unique and simple way to consume public Cloud

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure simplifies  Enterprise Public Cloud and makes it easier to build highly available fault tolerant architectures


Bring & Mix Your Licenses

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is the only Cloud platform where you can run general purpose compute, high performance compute, bare-metal compute and Engineered Solutions.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure gives you more options to bring and mix existing license investments with PaaS options and simplified consumption model.


Simple Rate Structures...

Oracle simple rate structures remove hard to estimate usage elements of Public Cloud like Load Balancer Processing, Data Egress and Storage Performance


Oracle Migration Specalists

What will your migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure look like?


 Enhance your Public Cloud platform with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure


DSP will architect your solution on a next-generation Cloud platform 


So you know why you should migrate and have an overview of the design for a lift and shift... but where to start?

Next Steps...


Design your Migration path to OCI

In order to fully prepare for your migration, enlist the help of DSP to assess how and when to make your move.

  • How will you migrate to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure? What will the infrastructure look like? We will architect your future state infrastructure on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure based on what you’re running in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.

  • DSP can lift and shift the whole Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure stack as an end to end service.

  • DSP have the tools; technologies and experience to seamlessly migrate you from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Educate yourself on the 'how', 'why', and 'what if' factors of migrating your data


  • What can you do in Oracle CIoud Infrastructure that you couldn’t do in Oracle CIoud Infrastructure Classic? Wecan demonstrate how the move can benefit you.

  • Let us help you understand the key differences between the platforms in terms of technology and the new consumption model - this means using Universal Credit as opposed to Metered and Non-Metered credits.


Understand the process of migrating from OCI-C to OCI

10:30am, Wednesday 26th June 2019

Why is it important to migrate from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure?

Listen to Phil Brown, Head of Oracle Cloud Services, as he explores the technical, commercial and governance reasons why you should consider an easy migration from OCI-C to OCI.
