Eye on OCI

Zoom into Oracle Cloud Migration

Written by Adam Hopkins | Apr 29, 2020 3:37:04 PM

From online workout classes to cabinet office meetings, and many conversations including ‘can you see my screen?’, ‘sorry, I was on mute’ and ‘can you hear me now?’ the growth of Zoom has rocketed in the past couple of months.

Having bought in more users this year so far than in the whole of 2019, it’s fair to say Zoom is experiencing extreme growth. Naturally, this increase in demand is going to cause a strain on their current infrastructure. Consequently, Zoom needed access to a secure, elastic and cost effective solution; so they migrated to Oracle Cloud.

As Oracle Cloud Specialists, we have supported multiple clients migrate to Oracle Cloud, and it’s fantastic to see Oracle Cloud is now the home of Zoom; which I’m sure will go down in the history books as the technology that kept us connected during this world pandemic.

DSP-Explorer have supported numerous Oracle Cloud migrations for companies large and small. The beauty of Oracle Cloud is that it’s flexible, and can grow as your business grows, so if your business experiences peaks and troughs, OCI can match them. Another good Oracle Cloud case study to read about is, Bridon Bekaert: Ropes Group who chose DSP-Explorer to support their migration to Oracle Cloud… Spoiler alert, we reduced their operational costs & they gained a scalable, flexible, secure environment for their business to grow on…. Just like Zoom!


If you're interested in learning more about Oracle Cloud Migration, register for our upcoming webinar 'EBS to OCI Migration'.