Eye on OCI

Oracle Cloud free 30-day trial - Database Services

Written by Jon Cowling | Aug 11, 2016 10:03:13 AM

Oracle Cloud free 30-day trial – Database Services

Oracle has recently announced that they are offering a free 30 day trial to businesses that wish to migrate and host their databases on the Oracle Cloud platform. This is an amazing opportunity to dip those ‘IT toes’ in the water, but is there still hesitation in the air?

I think so, however more and more IT Managers are feeling the pressure to move to the Cloud and this could be the answer to do just that. Migrating databases to the Cloud allows for consolidation, management and continuous maintenance of an existing database environment and achieves greater levels of data security, availability and efficiency for the end user.

Oracle offer numerous Cloud database options to choose from, a single schema based service, a virtual machine or an Exadata service with all the database features, options, and workloads. You choose what’s best for you and your organisation’s needs.

The benefits of hosting a database in Oracle’s Cloud are many; speed, flexibility, simplicity and version choice, all give organisations the advantage of having reliable data and being ahead of the curve.

Here at dsp we take the scepticism out of moving to the Cloud, we use our unique Continuous Maintenance solution to ensure that your database is in the best possible condition and readily available once up there.

Our database experts have experience in all things Cloud, they love it up there…allow them to lead you on your journey and begin the migration to the Oracle Cloud.