Eye on OCI

Oracle announces EU Sovereign Cloud to address data security concerns

Written by Harriet Lewis | Jun 20, 2023 1:40:34 PM

Oracle has taken a major step towards meeting commitments made last year to address the data privacy and sovereignty concerns of customers, by announcing the launch of Sovereign Cloud in the EU region, extending the availability of choice for all customers and complementing Oracle’s existing suite of private, public, hybrid and multicloud models.

This new offering provides OCI services with the same SLAs and prices as public cloud, but by being an EU legal entity, separate from other cloud regions, and staffed by EU personnel, it gives customers greater control of the location of their data. Put simply, data from the EU will stay in the EU.

The EU Sovereign Cloud will not only mean that OCI is now an option for highly regulated industries that were previously unable to use public cloud because of sensitivities around the data they handled, but will also help all customers to meet regulatory obligations such as GDPR and the upcoming AI Act. Aside from the legislative impact, it will also give customers greater control over how their data is used – an area of increasing sensitivity as data-driven technology such as AI continues to evolve at speed.

Although GDPR and other similar legislation still apply to the UK, as many laws passed before Brexit remain in the UK statute book, the EU Sovereign Cloud is specifically for EU member states. As an Oracle partner with customers who would benefit from this model, we hope to see a UK Sovereign Cloud announced soon.

DSP is an Oracle partner specialising in database, application and cloud solutions. You can find more information about your private cloud options here or get in touch with our specialists to see how we can help you.