Eye on OCI

DSP at Oracle CloudWorld 2024 – Session Blends Recommendations: ExaScale

Written by Phil Brown | Aug 12, 2024 11:45:02 AM

In this series of blogs, we will discuss the idea of session blends, i.e., two sessions that would be worth seeing as they complement each other.

A few weeks ago, I blogged about a really exciting enhancement to Exadata, which was ExaScale. You can read the blog here.

At CloudWorld this year, I believe ExaScale should get a good bit of coverage, and when you look at the content catalogue, you can almost pick out the perfect session blend.

Oracle Exadata Database Service Meets Exadata Exascale [LRN3007]

Oracle Exadata Exascale Architecture and Deep Dive [LRN2955]

Hands-On: Oracle Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure [HOL2952]

ExaScale is going to change the way organisations can utilise the Exadata capability by lowering the barrier to entry. When combined with the region rollout from Oracle, it really does change the landscape for consuming this technology.

The first session in the blend revolves around an introduction to Exascale and some of the new features which are available (such as thin provisioning and snapshotting). As the audience level suggests, it is targeting beginners. The next session will then go into a deep dive into ExaScale technical architecture. Think of the first session as the exec summary, and this is more for the Oracle engineers, those who are interested in the zeros and ones. The only challenge with this blend is that the introduction is on Thursday, while the deep dive is on Wednesday. We can only recommend the sessions - we can’t control the schedule!

Finally, the last of the blend will be the HOL, Hands-on Lab. This is really good, as you actually get to spin up an Exadata ExaScale service within OCI. What better way to get immersed in a technology than actually getting your hands on it. 

There are actually 8 sessions which cover ExaScale at CloudWorld this year, so if you don’t like my blend then feel free to pick another.

Look out for DSP at CloudWorld, and remember to follow us on LinkedIn. We publish insight blogs on the latest technology developments every week.