DSP Blog

Disaster Recovery Events

Written by wpdsp | 01-Mar-2016 09:54:59


This Oracle Disaster Recovery event is aimed at companies who are interested in having a comprehensive Disaster Recovery plan for their Oracle Database environment. Our guest speakers will explain to you the vital steps required to ensure that your data is backed up correctly and the methods to recover it easily and quickly.

Organisations that do not have a Disaster Recovery procedure in place often struggle to deal with the aftermath when a catastrophe happens. Learn about the potential risks of running an Oracle environment that hasn’t been backed up and the importance of having a Disaster Recovery procedure in place. Don’t be one of those companies…don’t get caught out.

The special Live Event will be held in the highly esteemed London based Eight Members Club. Here you will be treated to an exclusive dsp and Dbvisit presentation based around Oracle Disaster Recovery and then thrown into a Q&A session with technical gurus of the Database Disaster Recovery world; so make sure you have plenty of questions to ask. These spaces are limited and are on a first come first serve basis, so sign up now!

Why attend?

Attending this webinar will give you and your organisation the information needed to understand the reasons why having a disaster recovery plan in place is essential for your mission critical database and the solutions that you need to implement it.