DSP Blog

Azure vs AWS: Customer Focused Cloud Platforms

Written by Vic Milne | 15-Feb-2019 10:26:25

Customer-Focused Cloud...

My previous post discussed the security advantages that come with a migration to Public Cloud, but once you DO decide to migrate you’re faced with a vital question: which Cloud provider is the best option for you?  There’s no simple answer to this and five minutes on any of the major Cloud providers’ websites will establish an extensive line-up of distinguishing features in security, connectivity, performance and more.

Microsoft’s Azure platform, however, proves itself a stellar competitor against the traditionally popular AWS with its customer-facing security features, and the multiple Microsoft-run applications and databases like SQL Server that work cohesively with Azure.



First, security – allowing customers control over their own systems is a prominent part of Azure’s security plan, as is reflected in their website’s straightforward explanations of their customisable security features. In their own words, ‘Azure provides you with a wide array of configurable security options and the ability to control them so that you can customize security to meet the unique requirements of your deployments’. This flexible approach allows Azure users to be more confident in their security, and to hold a greater understanding of what they’re paying for within their Cloud platform.


'Azure Advisor'

The nifty ‘Azure Advisor’ also helps Microsoft hand their users an element of control over their own systems.  This personalised Cloud consultant helps the customer to optimise their Azure deployments.  Simply put, it recommends solutions to cost, security, high availability, and performance problems in order to improve the overall security posture of the user’s resources, which the customer can then choose to implement.

It’s a convenient and easy way for the user to keep their systems healthy and it’s also completely free!  Although AWS has an extensive array of services, it doesn’t have anything to directly compete with Azure Advisor.


Hybrid Solutions

Microsoft Azure also comes with superior hybrid Cloud options, so that users can keep their preferred data on-premise whilst making the most of Cloud technology for their other applications.  Azure links well with various Microsoft on-prem systems, so hybrid options are easily accessible.

Perks are also offered to customers who use both Microsoft databases and Azure: extended support for SQL Server 2008, which will otherwise reach End of Support in July 2019, is currently being offered for an extra 3 years and at no extra cost to users who migrate from AWS to Azure VM.

Other options to deal with SQL Server 2008’s upcoming EoS include upgrading on-premise to SQL Server 2017 and making the most of Azure’s hybrid capabilities: click here for more information on SQL Server support.


Go to DSP-Explorer’s AWS to Azure migration page for more information on migrating to Azure Cloud platform.  Whilst AWS may be the traditional Cloud provider, Azure has made leaps and bounds to become the prime candidate for your company’s next steps towards Public Cloud.