DSP Blog

Are you constantly trapped in a cycle of recruiting new DBA’s?

Written by Jon Cowling | 28-Jan-2016 15:52:12

Are you constantly trapped in a cycle of recruiting new DBA’s?

Here at DSP we often hear from IT Managers, who are constantly left in the lurch as their in-house DBA moves on after a short amount of time. Often because they get bored or get offered a “more interesting” role elsewhere.

This constant game of musical chairs can impact your business in many ways;

Performance – As the incumbent DBA looks to leave they may become complacent and let the performance and updates slip as they will no longer be responsible for it.

Costs – The cost of recruiting a new DBA can be huge once you take agency fees into consideration as well as training and on boarding costs.

Time – The time it takes you to interview and find the right candidate.

Contractors – Might be a short term fix but they often cause more issues than they fix!

The Solution

DSP’s Microsoft and Oracle DBA’s are passionate about one thing and one thing only – DATABASES! Our technical crew have made the choice to specialise in working purely on the Database and Infrastructure layer – it’s all they want to do therefore they never get bored or stagnant but continue to grow and excel in this area.

They also work across several industries and part of DSP’s ethos is continuous knowledge share which means we bring a whole array of cross industry experience and expertise.

They are multi award winning technical legends who constantly push the boundaries of technical excellence.

They never get bored and as a result our average DBA employment tenure is over 7 years!