DSP Blog

Are you ready to install 147 Oracle Security Patches?

Written by Jon Cowling | 08-Feb-2016 12:17:24

Are you ready to install 147 Oracle Security Patches?

Oracle have announced they are to release 147 security patches, including 36 for Java – their biggest security patch batch release in a long time.

These include five for Oracle Database and 18 for MySQL. Others for Fusion, Solaris, PeopleSoft and OVM.

Enterprises that rely on Oracle software are used to a regular stream of security patching as part of their monthly or quarterly maintenance regimes.

Is your Enterprise geared to scale up for this peak? How long will the backlog be if you’re running at full capacity? And what project or operational work will need to be shelved or pushed back to accommodate these critical security patches?

With the daily release of security breaches in banking and online retailers, Security Patches aren’t something enterprises ought to take lightly.

Scaling up operations to meet business growth is one thing - but when Business As Usual operational work becomes too much, something has to change.

DSP are equipped to scale quickly for these types of peaks. Operational burdens are exactly why we’re in business - because enterprises know how to plan for both the expected and unexpected.

For help with Oracle Patching call DSP on 0203 3 289 721 and we can go through options to tactically help with this recent patch release; or to discuss strategic continuity measures for your critical database and applications.

For further information on the Oracle security patches visit https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/cpujan2014-1972949.html